Feeling this today Volume IV

So about two weeks ago, I got a strobe and I was pretty much excited about it. Well, I started trying to learn the ropes along the way as I had seen many tutorials and videos yet never actually used one.

Then the phone call came to do a quick job for some pastors’ event. I had to take portraits for the publications promoting the event. So off I went and shot photos.

I learned a lot from trying out the strobe in that room but then when the work was done, I decide to mess around with my Edits, I picked the rejected ones to play with. Its amazing how you as a the photographer consider something ‘artistic’ or out of the box and yet the client aint having any of it at all. It’s even harder still convincing them to go a particular way when there are too many good options and they need to choose only four. Wheewww!

This particular shot, even when it was unprocessed won me over, because for starters, the client wasn’t giving me the normal poses and wasn’t as intimidating (or inviting you to church hahaha as the others) – He had a slight tilt on his head (something I didn’t ask him to do – a GQ feel maybe) – It gave a less formal feel to the composition and he also had this smile coming through (in contrast to the other ones where he looked quite serious).

On second thoughts, I should have used a reflector to bounce off light from off his chin though as it appeared quite dark. There are also some lines of highlights across his nose but who really notices these things?

Personally, I felt this one more than all the other ones. Its just different and quirky. The tie too doesn’t follow the norm of appearance and the lines on the suit draws you into the contrasting pattern on the tie.

So I thought to share it with you. What do you feel about the photo?



My name is 'Femi (aka Femo) and these are pictures SHOTbyFEMO I am a freelance hobbyist Photographer with a passion for capturing treasured 'moments' with pictures. My ideal 'Kodak Moment' is such that tell different stories to different eyes that behold them and its a new story when you view it again. I love pictures that are bold, adventurous, iconic and atimes, just outright strange/different. It is my hope that armed with my favourite toys and tools, I can always capture these moments that leave you appreciative of 'the power of a picture'. Peace and Blessings to all of you that are followers of the light
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